Rubbish. Quite unimportant, you’d think. Tell that to a builder! You see, there is nothing they like less than double handling. And if a bin is full and there is no empty bin ready, double handling is exactly what happens.
Our reputation for being on time is one of the main reasons our customers use us. And to be on time, requires operating as efficiently as possible.
Our bins
We don’t supply front-loader bins that are emptied every week or fortnight. That would be easy to manage. Instead, we provide gantry bins from 3 to 35 m³ in size — largely to commercial customers. And the nature of this business means that about 70% of our bins are ordered on the day they are needed. Meeting demand really is an exercise in time and motion.
Ordering a bin
When you phone, we’ll enter your order into a software programme for the day. Then, we’ll select a driver and work out the best route for them to take. Remember, each driver will have several jobs that day, and we want to avoid any unnecessary backtracking. As an aside, many of our drivers are contractors who work exclusively for us. As they are paid by the job, rather than the hour, it’s in their interest to work as efficiently as possible. This is good for us and our customers.
One consideration is recycling. We like to recycle as much as we can; it’s good for the environment, and reduces costs – two tonne costs about $160 to send to landfill Transfer stations throughout Auckland. So, we need to make a call whether to take a load straight to landfill or bring it back to Manukau to be sorted for recyclable materials.
Unfortunately, during busy times, like leading up to Christmas, it becomes harder to recycle and still meet our commitments.
Delivering on time
As much as we’d like it, we can’t perform miracles. As a rule, if you order a bin before 10am, you’ll get it swapped out that day.
Like many businesses, communication is the key. We don’t over promise. So, we’ll tell you if a bin can’t be delivered at a certain time. We know Auckland, and we know how many bins our drivers can manage. Each of our trucks is equipped with GPS, so we know exactly where they are at all times and, as a result, can provide accurate ETAs.