The truth behind waste collection price increases – From Pink Bins point of view: - Pink Bins
  • The most common question from customers we get here at Pink Bins is “why is a rubbish bin so expensive?”. When looking from their point of view, it’s a fair question! Who wants to PAY money to get rid of rubbish, right? Well, hopefully the below small piece of information helps explain why.

What caused the price increases?

  • Like any other industry, there is always going to be one competitor who is cheaper than the other. However, with both competition and inflation aside – There is one reason why waste disposal costs have increased over recent years, and will only keep increasing unless recycling becomes more feasible for waste collection companies within NZ. The main reason behind price increases are landfill levy’s, there have been two landfill levy’s introduced in NZ through legislation since 2008.
  • The first landfill levy of $10 per tonne (exc GST) was introduced in 2008 as part of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. In a nut shell, any waste which ends up at the landfill has an extra charge of $10 per tonne to the owner of the landfill. This is passed on throughout the consumer chain and finally finishes with, you guessed it – the house owner copping the bill. The second levy of $5 per tonne (exc GST) was introduced in 2013 as part of the “Waste in the emissions trading scheme” and directly effects landfill operators. Again, this levy is passed on and ends up being paid by the initial consumer.

On first glance, the levys do not seem excessive. However, when applying these costs to our most common bin’s (9m) weight limit, you can soon see why prices have increases. Please see an example below:

  •       – Our 9m3 bin weight limit is 1500kg
  •       – Levy’s paid on 1500kg is $25.88 inc GST extra which you will have to pay for!


How can customers avoid these annoying extra charges with Pink Bins?  

  • With having the advantage of the ability to pull out recyclables at our plant, Pink Bins can offer you a discount if your rubbish is 100% recyclable and reusable. As our recyclable products are forever changing, please call us to hear our current range of recyclable product.


For any further information regarding the landfill levy’s, please visit: